Day 163: 13th Mar ‘22: All India Road Trip: Karnataka: Bengaluru
Visited: 28 States, 5 Union Territories
Distance Covered: 26,100 km.
Start Date: 2nd Oct ‘21 | End Date: 13th Mar ‘22.
Content captured: 6 TB.
Memories & Experiences: Limitless & Unforgettable.
A lovely felicitation ceremony by the Mr. Mohamed Farouk and his team at the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, Bengaluru office for Hemant Soreng and Rajesh Nair of Rustik Travel on the occasion of completion of the five and a half month long All India Road Trip crossing all the 28 states along with 5 Union Territories covering 26,000+ km.

After 163 Days or five and a half months on the road crossing all the 28 states in India covering 26,000+ km we came back home to Bangalore to a resounding welcome from family, friends, well-wishers and esp. the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, Bengaluru office.
We had a wonderful time sharing some of the highlights and stories from the road trip and interacting with everyone. While the feeling is yet to sink in but we are overwhelmed. And we are grateful to all of you who helped, contributed, traveled with us, encouraged and supported us.
You know who you are.