Before we went to Varanasi last year, I didn’t have much of an idea about the city except for what I had read in the travel guides. As we explored the city through our camera lens, interviewed and interacted with people, and participated in the various festivities that I realised[…]
It is a treasured moment to spot the wildlife in their natural habitat. Its even much better when that moment has been captured in a picture, that we could share with our friends. However, little do we know that by doing so we are also sharing the location of the[…]
‘There is now nothing here, sir. The young don’t want to do farming. They have left for the cities to look for jobs. If they had stayed on and look at other traditional occupation, then our village wouldn’t be so empty.” Mohan Lal Joshi, narrated in Garhwali the sad state[…]
This documentary aims to investigate the concept of sustainability in Wayanad, exploring relevant issues such as tourism, environment, tribal rehabilitation, man-animal conflicts and so on. The district of Wayanad in the North Kerala is a large area that is largely forest covered and is part of, the same forest ecosystem[…]